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Bonide Systemic Granules (.22% Imidicloprid) – 1 pound

Contains Imidicloprid, a systemic insecticide. Excellent treatment to add to your soil mixes. Best product for Integrated Pest Management preventive strategies.


Kills insects such as mealybugs, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, scale, other insects. Works by disrupting the insect nervous system resulting in the insect’s paralysis & eventual death. Kills by contact & ingestion. Especially systemic when used as soil treatment. Imidacloprid mimics nicotine which is toxic to insects. Controls sucking pests.

Ready to use granules. Economical, long lasting control for ornamental gardens, shrubs, containerized trees, & potted plants. After being incorporated into the soil and watered in, it is absorbed by the roots and moves through the plant to protect against listed bugs. Apply every 8 weeks during the growing season. Application Rate: 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil.

Note: Imidacloprid can last for months or years in soil & in plant tissues. The residues become more tightly bound to soil with time. Imidacloprid is broken down rapidly by water & sunlight. The pH & temperature of water affect speed of imidacloprid breakdown process. Imidacloprid may leach from soil into groundwater under some conditions. Imidacloprid is broken down into a number of other chemicals depending on which bonds in the molecule are broken.


Please read labeling for proper application & usage.

Bonide Systemic Granules - 1 pound - .22% Imidacloprid

SKU: 5700-IMID1P
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