2021 LSAVC Convention, Ft Worth, TX
Spring will be here soon & hopefully your affiliates are planning your spring events. With luck, you may be able to have in-person events again. Lone Star African Violet Council (LSAVC) had a VERY successful 2021 fall convention October 28-30 in Ft. Worth, TX. I am VERY happy to report there were absolutely ZERO reports of any illness during or after convention! This was the BEST news of all!
It was so good to see everyone again & it was very evident everyone was ready to get back to living socially again! It was the end of my four year term as LSAVC President & it was wonderful to hand the gavel over to Vickie Crider, Spring Branch African Violet Club, the new incoming President. Vickie will be a great President! Congrats Vickie!

Congratulations to Wayne Geeslin, Spring Branch African Violet Club, with his Best in Show winner, Mary Craig!

Congratulations to Linda Turner, First African Violet Society of Denton on winning the 2021 Paula Foster "Wind Beneath Our Wings" Award! She truly represents the wonderful qualities of Paula Foster!