Update on 2022 AVSA Natl Convention-Little Rock, AR
The 2022 AVSA national convention in Little Rock, AR was certainly one for the record books. How wonderful to see the ALMOST 200 attendees who traveled to convention to be there - in person! Many needed a reason to get "back in the saddle" & rejoin the human race again. Unfortunately, there were a few reports of illness after convention, but it seems most recovered well after a few days. For me, it was worth the risk to be among humans again. You don't realize how much you miss the social aspect of public gatherings until they are taken away from you.
After convention, Jim & I spent another 2 weeks isolating - just to be safe. We traveled in our RV around several locations in Arkansas, maintaining a safe, social distance from people. It rained almost the entire time we were isolated, so have to admit while it was relaxing to rest, it was VERY boring just hanging out at the RV! Everything was damp & wet, with an occasional ray of sunshine to create heat & high humidity. Finally made it home middle of June to NO Rain here in Texas. Wow, was the weather different between the 2 states!
A special thank you to everyone who shopped in the AVSA Commercial Sales Room. Even though some of our special commercials were not there, those who were there did their best to satisfy your shopping needs! Here at GHV we truly appreciate your purchases & hope you were able to get the plants & supplies you need for your growing activities. Many of us are small businesses who rely on customers like you to survive in today's struggling economy. Thanks for supporting us - your AVSA Commercials.
Sending love & healing to all who attended & were affected by the pandemic issue. Hopefully you are on the mend now & getting back to your daily routines. Thank you to everyone who braved being there in person. It was wonderful to see you again. We are now making our plans for 2023 in Atlanta, GA so we hope to see you there!
